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Einstein the Turkey Vulture
Slinky the Plains Garter Snake
Zuni and Trickster
Opossum Mom
Chuckles and Zorro
Belle the Bobcat
Eastern Cottontail
Baby Squirrel



  1. a person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance.

Every species, whether it be a plant, invertebrate, or animal, has an important role in the health and functioning of its ecosystem. We at TreeHouse Wildlife Center understand the vital importance of all animals great and small and are devoted to educating and encouraging the general public to appreciate and practice tolerance when dealing with native wildlife of Illinois. 


What makes an animal a nuisance?

Every year our center receives calls from justifiably unhappy individuals dealing with a certain animal that has unfortunately made its presence known in a less than desirable way. Whether it's an opossum that has been stalking your garbage cans, starlings that have found an opening into your attic, or a groundhog that enjoys hanging out under your porch, human-wildlife conflict is an inevitable part of our daily lives. What we find as frustrating may rather be a tactic used by that animal who is fundamentally looking to survive. Understanding why animals do what they do and educating ourselves on how to compassionately manage situations can ultimately lead to effectively learning to coexist with the wildlife that call this planet their home. 


Are you currently dealing with a situation or looking to combat a potential future issue? Check out some suggestions below or call our center at (618) 466-2990 to talk to a professional.

Make a livable environment unlivable:

While you may not want to set up residence in that burn pile in your backyard, to a certain wild animal that leafy and woody glory may look like the Taj Mahal of homes. Making an area that an animal has inhabited inhospitable is a great, non-invasive step toward driving out an unwanted resident. This can include:

  • Noise deterrents

  • Motion sensor deterrents, i.e. sprinklers, lights, etc. 

  • Depending on the situation, complete removal of potential hiding places 

  • Statues or figures of that animal's natural predator 

  • Barriers/fencing

  • "Smelly" deterrents, i.e. mothballs, ammonia-soaked rags, etc. 

  • Non-toxic repellent sprays 


Prevent potential issues by changing human behavior: 

Want to know one of the biggest reasons why humans have frustrating interactions with wildlife? Look no further than the mirror! Unfortunately many of the circumstances that individuals find themselves in when dealing with an unwanted animal is due to a situation we ourselves have created. Changing our behavior is an easier endeavor than changing the behavior of a wild animal. Practicing cautious and considerate actions are an easy way to eliminate potential or reoccurring issues with our outside neighbors. This can include removing cat or dog food if you put food out for your pet in the yard, using heavy metal garbage cans that are difficult for animals to climb into or knock over, only putting out your garbage cans on the street the night before pick-up, sealing up holes on the sides of buildings, installing grates over window wells, or repairing weak areas along the structure of your home. 


Cut off access points to den sites:

As mentioned in the previous suggestion, sealing up holes and repairing weak areas of a structure are surefire ways to prevent wildlife intruders. Cut off access points into buildings by capping chimneys and close off open areas under decks and porches. Consider the time of year: has that fox that's been sleeping under your deck potentially had her kits there? If it is baby season, call our center so that we can assist you in making an ethical decision regarding the situation. Fencing and netting gardens can also keep hungry deer and rabbits at bay. 


Practice Tolerance: 

Consider educating yourself about the different animals in our area, their habits, and why they are important in the ecosystem and important to you. Understanding why mama raccoon has chosen your chimney to raise her babies and learning how to coexist until the babies are old enough for a gentle eviction is a compassionate and environmentally-friendly approach to dealing with wildlife conflict and resolution. The animals will thank you. 


When is invasive eviction the best approach to a situation? 

While we do not advocate for trapping or lethal methods, we understand that some situations require a more quick and direct approach. There are many legal considerations to take into account when considering this option, as you must possess certain permits for lethal eradication or trapping of an animal. Many licensed professionals will live-trap an animal and remove it for you, and we highly recommend researching into this option or contacting us for suggestions. Lethal eradication should be considered the last resort in dealing with a nuisance animal. Remember that animal is doing what it does best: trying to survive.


Remember TreeHouse Wildlife Center is here as a community service to you. Please utilize us as a resource for any questions or concerns you may have regarding wildlife. We are always happy and willing to share our knowledge and expertise with you and help you find ways to live peacefully with our wild counterparts. 

Wildlife eviction & exclusion services

Conflict with a local wild animal more than you can handle? Humane Wildlife Solutions LLC is a wildlife eviction and exclusion service based out of Saint Louis, MO. They can help you learn more about your wild neighbors, provide you with humane ways to deter them, and help prevent further conflict in the future! Currently, they are only licensed to work in Missouri but can offer advice to Illinois residents. Click on their logo to learn more!

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